Many datasets consist of granules that represent a certain geographical area on the earths surface.
Often times a polygon defining the outline of this area - a footprint - is stored alongside other granule metadata in time series datasets.
Tilebox provides special support for working with Geometries out of the box.
Here is an example that loads some granules
of the ERS SAR
Opendata dataset, that contains geometries.
from tilebox.datasets import Client
client = Client()
datasets = client.datasets()
ers_collection = datasets.open_data.asf.ers_sar.collection("ERS-2")
ers_data = ers_collection.load(("2008-02-10T21:00", "2008-02-10T22:00"))
In the ers_data
dataset each granule contains a geometry
field which represents the footprint each granule as a polygon.
Tilebox automatically converts such geometry fields to Polygon
or MultiPolygon
objects from the
shapely library.
By integrating with shapely, you can make use of the rich set of libraries and tooling around it, which includes support for computing
polygon characteristics such as the total area, intersection checks or the conversion to other common formats.
Here are some geometries which are part of the ERS granules loaded.
geometries = ers_data.geometry.values
[<POLYGON ((-150.753 74.25, -152.032 73.336, -149.184 73.002, -147.769 73.899...>
<POLYGON ((-151.29 73.878, -152.517 72.962, -149.722 72.634, -148.362 73.535...>
<POLYGON ((-152.281 73.146, -153.418 72.224, -150.721 71.908, -149.46 72.814...>
<POLYGON ((-153.218 72.393, -154.273 71.467, -151.672 71.161, -150.5 72.073,...>
<POLYGON ((-154.073 71.65, -155.056 70.721, -152.542 70.424, -151.449 71.341...>
<POLYGON ((-154.776 70.899, -155.699 69.967, -153.242 69.675, -152.214 70.59...>
<POLYGON ((-155.527 70.147, -156.393 69.212, -154.015 68.928, -153.05 69.852...>
<POLYGON ((-156.238 69.385, -157.052 68.447, -154.749 68.171, -153.842 69.09...>
<POLYGON ((-156.896 68.633, -157.664 67.693, -155.431 67.423, -154.575 68.35...>
<POLYGON ((-157.522 67.871, -158.248 66.929, -156.082 66.666, -155.273 67.6,...>
<POLYGON ((-158.113 67.109, -158.801 66.165, -156.697 65.908, -155.932 66.84...>
<POLYGON ((-158.628 66.348, -159.283 65.402, -157.226 65.149, -156.497 66.08...>
<POLYGON ((-159.669 64.814, -160.263 63.866, -158.317 63.624, -157.656 64.56...>]
Accessing Coordinates
You can select one polygon out of the geometries, and access the underlying coordinates, as well as an automatically
computed centroid point.
Accessing coordinates and computing a centroid point
polygon = geometries[0]
lon, lat = polygon.exterior.coords.xy
center, = list(polygon.centroid.coords)
array('d', [-150.753244, -152.031574, -149.183655, -147.769339, -150.753244])
array('d', [74.250081, 73.336051, 73.001748, 73.899483, 74.250081])
(-149.92927907414239, 73.62538063474753)
Interactive environments such as Jupyter Notebooks can also directly visualize
Polygon shapes graphically, when a shapely.Polygon
is the output of a cell. Just type polygon
in an empty cell and
execute it to get a visual representation of the shape of the polygon.
Visualization on a Map
To visualize polygons on a map, you can use the folium library.
Here is a short helper function which produces an OpenStreetMap with the Polygon overlaid on top.
visualize helper function
from folium import Figure, Map, Polygon as FoliumPolygon, GeoJson, TileLayer
from folium.plugins import MiniMap
from shapely import Polygon, to_geojson
from import Iterable
def visualize(poly: Polygon | Iterable[Polygon], zoom=4):
"""Visualize a polygon or a list of polygons on a map"""
if not isinstance(poly, Iterable):
poly = [poly]
fig = Figure(width=600, height=600)
map = Map(location=geometries[len(geometries)//2].centroid.coords[0][::-1], zoom_start=zoom, control_scale=True)
for p in poly:
return fig
Here is how you can use it.
The visualize
helper function also supports a whole list of polygons, which you can use to showcase the data layout of the ERS granules.
Shapely provides support out of the box for converting the Polygons to some common formats,
such as GeoJSON or Well-Known Text (WKT)
from shapely import to_geojson
from shapely import to_wkt
POLYGON ((-150.753244 74.250081, -152.031574 73.336051, -149.183655 73.001748, -147.769339 73.899483, -150.753244 74.250081))
Checking intersections
One common task when working with geometries is to check whether a given geometry falls into a certain area of interest.
Fortunately, shapely
provides an intersects method for this use case.
from shapely import box
area_of_interest = box(-160, 69, -150, 70)
for i, polygon in enumerate(geometries):
if area_of_interest.intersects(polygon):
print(f"{ers_data.granule_name[i].item()} intersects the area of interest!")
print(f"{ers_data.granule_name[i].item()} doesn't intersect the area of interest!")
E2_66974_STD_F264 doesn't intersect the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F265 doesn't intersect the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F267 doesn't intersect the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F269 doesn't intersect the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F271 doesn't intersect the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F273 intersects the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F275 intersects the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F277 intersects the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F279 doesn't intersect the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F281 doesn't intersect the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F283 doesn't intersect the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F285 doesn't intersect the area of interest!
E2_66974_STD_F289 doesn't intersect the area of interest!
Combining polygons
As you saw in the preceding visualization of the granule footprints, the granules all put together form a whole orbit from pole to pole.
Often times measurements are then combined together in certain processing steps.
you can also do the same thing for the geometries, and combine them into a single polygon, which represents the hull around all individual footprints.
To do so, you can make use of shapely.unary_union
Combining multiple polygons
from shapely.ops import unary_union
hull = unary_union(geometries)
Multi Polygons
As you can see, the computed hull actually consists of two polygons, because there is a gap (probably a missing granule) in the geometries.
Shapely represents such geometries as a shapely.MultiPolygon,
which in essence just represent a series of individual polygons put together.
Accessing individual polygons of a MultiPolygon
print(f"The computed hull of type {type(hull).__name__} consists of {len(hull.geoms)} sub polygons")
for i, poly in enumerate(hull.geoms):
print(f"Sub polygon {i} has an area of {poly.area}")
The computed hull of type MultiPolygon consists of 2 sub polygons
Sub polygon 0 has an area of 2.025230449898011
Sub polygon 1 has an area of 24.389998081651527
Antimeridian Crossings
One common problem when working with longitude / latitude
geometries like this are crossings of the 180-meridian, or the antimeridian.
Consider the coordinates of a LineString
from Japan to the United States. It’s longitude coordinates would look something like the following.
140, 141, 142, ..., 179, 180, -179, -178, ..., -125, -124
Libraries like shapely
are not designed for handling spherical coordinate systems, extra care needs to be taken when handling such geometries.
spec actually provides a solution for this problem.
In the section Antimeridian Cutting they propose to
always cut lines and polygons into two parts, one representing the eastern hemisphere, and the other one the western hemisphere.
As an example, here is an ERS
granule where this exact problem occurs.
granule = ers_collection.find("0119bb86-0260-5819-6aab-f99796417155")
polygon = granule.geometry.item()
array('d', [177.993407, 176.605009, 179.563047, -178.904076, 177.993407])
array('d', [74.983185, 74.074615, 73.727752, 74.61847, 74.983185])
This 2D visualization doesn’t seem right. Not only the visualization is wrong, the same also applies for
calculations which you may want to do. For example, testing whether the granule intersects the 0-meridian gives the wrong result.
Problems with calculating intersections
from shapely import LineString
null_meridian = LineString([(0, -90), (0, 90)])
One solution to solve this issue is to cut the polygon into two parts.
The antimeridian package does exactly that.
Cutting the polygon along the antimeridian
import antimeridian
fixed_polygon = antimeridian.fix_polygon(polygon)
Since shapely
is not aware of the spherical nature of the data, the centroid
of this fixed polygon is still wrong.
The antimeridian
package also has a function to correct this.
Calculating the centroid of a fixed polygon crossing the antimeridian
print("Wrongly computed centroid coordinates (shapely)")
print("Correct centroid coordinates (antimeridian taken into account)")
Wrongly computed centroid coordinates (shapely)
[(139.8766350146937, 74.3747116658462)]
Correct centroid coordinates (antimeridian taken into account)
[(178.7782777050171, 74.3747116658462)]
Spherical Geometry
Another approach to handling the antimeridian issue is to perform all coordinate related calculations,
such as polygon intersections, in a 3D spherical coordinate system.
One great library to do this is spherical_geometry.
Here is an example.
from spherical_geometry.polygon import SphericalPolygon
from spherical_geometry.vector import lonlat_to_vector
lon, lat = polygon.exterior.coords.xy
spherical_poly = SphericalPolygon.from_lonlat(lon, lat)
[array([[-0.25894363, 0.00907234, 0.96584983],
[-0.2651968 , -0.00507317, 0.96418096],
[-0.28019363, 0.00213687, 0.95994112],
[-0.27390375, 0.01624885, 0.96161984],
[-0.25894363, 0.00907234, 0.96584983]])]
Now you can easily compute intersections or check whether a certain point is inside the polygon.
You can compare the incorrect computation from shapely
with the fixed version when using spherical_geometry
Correct calculations using spherical geometry
null_meridian_point = 0, 74.4
point_inside = 178.8, 74.4
print("Shapely results:")
print("- Null meridian point inside:", polygon.contains(Point(*null_meridian_point)))
print("- Actual inside point inside:", polygon.contains(Point(*point_inside)))
print("Spherical geometry results:")
print("- Null meridian point inside:", spherical_poly.contains_lonlat(*null_meridian_point))
print("- Actual inside point inside:", spherical_poly.contains_lonlat(*point_inside))
Shapely results:
- Null meridian point inside: True
- Actual inside point inside: False
Spherical geometry results:
- Null meridian point inside: False
- Actual inside point inside: True